jeudi 3 septembre 2015

How To Stake Your Plants - An Insider Vegetable Gardening Tip

Staking is a simple technique but an important one for vegetable and flower growers alike. For large-flowered plants such as dahlias, asters, and peonies, staking allows the blooms to show to best advantage and keeps them from getting top-heavy after a rain. Tall, fragile-stemmed plants like delphiniums often need help weathering storms. In the vegetable garden, supporting plants with stakes or other supports will mean the difference between a good harvest and a poor one. If you've ever tried to grow tomatoes without staking the plants or growing them in cages, you know how hard it is to salvage a decent crop. Whatever tomatoes you are able to find under the heavy weight of the plants often succumb to attacks from insects and larger animals or rot.
Staking doesn't have to be unattractive, an important consideration in the flower garden. In fact, if done correctly, it's not in the least bit an intrusion. Properly staked plants have no visible means of support the foliage grows up to hide the stakes, strings, and wires.
There are several different ways to stake plants. As a general rule, it's best to start early in the season, so the leaves have a chance to cover the supports and you can train the plant as it grows. It's not easy to stake a plant that has sprawled on the ground or has flopped over after a heavy rain. You can easily break or crush stems. Furthermore, leaves and flowers won't look quite as graceful as they would if properly trained from the start.
Bamboo Canes: Bamboo canes are lightweight, sturdy, and available in several thicknesses from pencil-thin to several-inch canes suitable for staking tomatoes or large flowered dahlias. Use the thinner ones for supporting stems of delphiniums or other top-heavy beauties. Select a bamboo cane about two-thirds as tall as the plant will be at maturity and insert it into the ground close to the base of the plant. Then use yarn, strips of soft fabric, or strips of old pantyhose to tie the flower stem to the stake. Add more ties as the plant grows taller. For multi-stemmed flowers such as chrysanthemums, use a single stake to support more than one stem. Tie twine or yarn to the stake, gather the stems, and loop the twine loosely around them.
You can also use bamboo canes to make a sort of cat's-cradle around clumps of flowers such as peonies. Insert four or five canes around the plant. Again, they should be two-thirds as tall as the plant at maturity Then tie twine to one and wrap it around the others in turn. Tie it off on the first cane. Add rings of twine every 6 to 12 inches as the plant grows. You can also weave the twine through the plant foliage from one stake to its opposing one to create an extra network of support.
Pea Staking: When you prune your trees in early spring, don't burn those trimmings. Instead, save them and use them to stake such weak-stemmed perennials as coreopsis or gypsophila and such annual climbers as sweet peas. When the plants are still small, simply stick twiggy brush into the ground near them. As they grow, the plants will climb over the network of twigs and their foliage will soon hide the twigs from view. Pea staking is most successful for plants that don't grow taller than about 2 feet. The twigs should be about 6 inches shorter than the plant at maturity.
Wire Cages: Round or square wire cages similar to but smaller than the ones used to grow tomatoes are available for perennials such as peonies. Ready-made cages have wire legs that you simply push into the ground. You don't need to tie plants to wire frames; they simply grow up and through the wire and get all the support they need from the enclosure. Cages need to be put in place in early spring, while the plants are still small. You can buy cages ready-made or make your own using galvanized large-mesh.
Marc Warren offers a vegetable gardening tip of the day - such as how to grow beans and peas - on the Gardening Mania blog. For more helpful advice, visit

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